Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)
Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)
Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)
Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)

Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)

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Do you want to reduce screen time in your home? 96% of tonies families have reduced time spent on tablets and TV significantly since their Toniebox arrived!

The Toniebox is an audio system for children that is making its arrival at Poppeas very soon. This innovative toy uses audio storytelling to introduce pre-readers and developing readers to the wonders of narrative. The music and stories that come with each Tonie make a great supplement to playtime.

The Toniebox is simple to use. Just place a Tonie character on the box and the audio will begin to play. There are no buttons or screens, making it an ideal toy for young children. Choose from a wide variety of different Tonies, each with their own collection of songs and stories. The Toniebox is also surprisingly intuitive to control.

Tonies was funded with the goal of creating a way for kids to experience storytelling in a digital age that stimulates their imagination in ways that a screen can't. They made the Toniebox for kids (and parents) who want to feel good about their entertainment at home and to bring back imagination in its purest form.
#tonies #toniesbox #toniesatpoppeas #storytime

Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)
Toniebox Light Blue Starter Set with Playtime Songs (STHE)